Planet Venus will appear as a small, dark disk moving across the face of the Sun on Wednesday, June 6, 2012, Philippines Time.
Transit of Venus
Date: Jun 6, 2012 Wednesday
Time zone : GMT+08:00
Latitude : 14° 33' 21" N
Longitude : 121° 4' 26" E
Altitude : 26 ft
Duration : Transit of Venus
ΔT 65.6059 s
Sunrise 5:25 AM
start ingress 6:12:49 AM ENE (69°) 10°
end ingress 6:30:43 AM ENE (70°) 14°
minimum separation 9:31:23 AM ENE (71°) 55°
start egress 12:30:18 PM NW (315°) 78°
end egress 12:47:53 PM NW (305°) 75°
Sunset 6:23 PM
Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable celestial phenomena and occur in pairs eight years apart. The previous transit having been in June 2004, the next pair of transits will not occur until December 2117 and December 2125.